Why I think my “writer’s block” is actually perfectionism and some strategies that might work for you if you struggle with perfectionism too.

Why I think my “writer’s block” is actually perfectionism and some strategies that might work for you if you struggle with perfectionism too.
Being a writer with ADHD comes with a distinct set of superpowers and a specific set of challenges. Here’s my favourite resources for writing with ADHD.
Why is The War of Art such a highly recommended book in writing circles? I’ve only ever thrown out two books. (Yes, I should have recycled them, apologies.) One of them was a science fiction paperback written in the 1980s that was rife with sexist and racist characters. The other was The War of Art …
Types of Editing There are several different levels or types of editing involved in taking a manuscript from first draft to finished book. Just like a medical professional has a scope of practice, an editor has a specific set of skills within each designation. In Canada, certified editors work within their scope as set out …
What does the industry say? In the publishing world these days, marketing is a shared responsibility between the writer and the publisher. While there’s still a perception that getting a publishing deal means all the marketing is done by the publishing team, this is no longer true. More and more, the onus is shifting toward …
If you’re beginning to plot a novel, it can be overwhelming to choose which method to use. Do you want to start with a loose structure (something like the Three Act Structure with a beginning, middle, and end) or a more complex structure (like Save the Cat with its 15 plot beats)? Here, I outline …
With all the strangeness of the past few years, August 2023 was my first opportunity to attend an in-person writing conference: When Words Collide. Before I went, I found myself wishing I knew what to expect. How did I choose which presentations and workshops to attend? Would I get lost? Would I actually learn anything …
Call it writer’s block, procrastination, decision paralysis, whatever you’d like, but there’s nothing like indecision to send my writing to a grinding halt. So what’s the solution? A zero draft. The Zero Draft goes by many names and just about as many definitions. The Zero Draft. The Skeleton Draft. The Chaptered Outline. Ultimately, they all …
Have you ever stared at a selection of keyboards and wondered which one would be best for writing? Unless you’re one of those solely pen-and-paper writers, we writer-folk tend to spend a fair amount of time with our computer keyboards. When selecting a keyboard, though, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the many types of …
Brain.fm: Does it Really Work? One thing I’ve been using when I write is Brain.fm. It’s music without lyrics designed to help increase focus, relaxation, or sleep (depending on which tracks you choose to listen to). I first heard about brain.fm from another writer who swears by it to increase productivity. Music that is scientifically …